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Course Outline
Module 1: First Steps to Corrosion Control and Water Quality Improvement
This module gives you the fundamentals behind lead and copper control and the comprehensive perspective of water quality. You leave this module with a method to quickly evaluate the water quality in your water system.
- Session 1: The Lead and Copper Rule
- Session 2: Going Beyond the Lead and Copper Rule
- Session 3: A Quick Start to Evaluating a Water System
- Session 4: Components of Water Quality Interconnections: Uniform Corrosion
- Session 5: Components of Water Quality Interconnections: Chemical Scales and Biofilms
Module 2: A “Living” Desktop Study
The quick system water quality evaluation is expanded to encompass other available system information in order to write a desktop study. A desktop study is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as an initial step to corrosion control. You leave this module with the ability to write a desktop study for your water system. Updating the report every year makes it an evolving “living” desktop study where it is possible to detect corrosion issues early in their onset.
- Session 1: A “Living” Desktop Study: Part 1
- Session 2: A “Living” Desktop Study: Part 2
- Session 3: A “Living” Desktop Study: Part 3
- Session 4: A “Living” Desktop Study: Part 4
Module 3: Tools for Corrosion and Water Quality Control
Recommendations made in the desktop study can be carried out using the tools of corrosion and water quality control discussed in this learning module. You leave this module with a strategic plan to carry out recommendations from your desktop study for both testing of corrosion control strategies and on-going monitoring to track the status of lead and copper release as well as other distribution system water quality issues.
- Session 1: Water System Hygiene
- Session 2: Corrosion Control Chemicals
- Session 3: Calculating Corrosion Control Chemical Dosages
- Session 4: Methods for Testing and Monitoring
- Session 5: Monitoring Plan
- Session 6: Experimental Design for Demonstration Testing and Monitoring
Module 4: Data Analysis and Process Control
This learning module gives you tools to make your testing and monitoring data "talk to you", to document the success of your lead and copper control efforts, to warn you of trends toward diminished water quality, and to continuously inform your operations for improvement of water quality. If you choose, you can leave this module with a strategy for on-going process control of water quality.
- Session 1: Water Quality and Water System Data Analysis Part 1
- Session 2: Water Quality and Water System Data Analysis Part 2
- Session 3: Water Quality and Water System Data Analysis Part 3
- Session 4: Water Quality and Water System Data Analysis Part 4
- Session 5: Process Control
Course Schedule
Students will work through online course modules on their own time and at their own pace.
Program Director & Instructors
Program Director
Adib Amini
Abigail Cantor
Chemical Engineer
Abigail F. Cantor, PE is a chemical engineer specializing in water quality investigations and proactive prevention of water quality issues, and is the founder of Process Research Solutions, LLC in Madison, Wisconsin. She has more than 30 years of experience in the field of drinking water quality. She is the author of the book “Water Distribution System Monitoring: A Practical Approach for Evaluating Drinking Water Quality” and the co-author of the AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices M58: Internal Corrosion Control in Water Distribution Systems. She is a member of the American Water Works Association Lead and Copper Rule Task Advisory Workgroup. She earned her BS degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, and her MS degree in Chemical Engineering at Columbia University in New York City.