Tax Information for Continuing Education Students

The IRS requires educational institutions to report amounts paid for qualified tuition related expenses only. The IRS considers this to be classes where credit was earned. It does not allow us to report non-credit courses. Please consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 970 to see if you can claim tuition and related expenses not reported on your IRS Form 1098-T.

1098-T form information

Our Professional Development and Bootcamp continuing studies courses are non-credit programs. As a result, we do not provide 1098-T forms. However, continuing education students may be eligible for the lifetime learning tax credit.

Lifetime learning credit

For the tax year, you may be able to claim a lifetime learning credit of up to $2,000 for qualified education expenses paid for all eligible students. There is no limit on the number of years the lifetime learning credit can be claimed for each student. A tax credit reduces the amount of income tax you may have to pay. Unlike a deduction, which reduces the amount of income subject to tax, a credit directly reduces the tax itself. The lifetime learning credit is a nonrefundable credit. This means that it can reduce your tax to zero, but if the credit is more than your tax, the excess won’t be refunded to you. Your allowable lifetime learning credit may be limited by the amount of your income and the amount of your tax.

The Lifetime Learning tax credit is applicable to any level of post-secondary education. It enables a taxpayer to claim a tax credit of up to $2,000 per family for the cost of qualified tuition and related expenses paid by the taxpayer during the tax year on behalf of the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse, or the taxpayer’s dependents. You may qualify for educational tax credit for tuition and fees paid for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education courses.

A family can claim on its tax return a credit up to $2,000 of educational expenses. Eligible education expenses are offset by scholarships, grants, and employer provided tax free educational assistance. The tax credit is subject to income and other limitations. Taxpayers may file IRS form 8863 Educational Credits with their tax returns to claim tax credits.

For detailed information consult IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Higher Education, which describes the tax credits along with other tax savings opportunities related to the higher cost of education. It may be obtained at any IRS office, at https://www.irs.gov/publications/p970/ch03.html, or by calling 1-800-829-1040.