Advancing Sustainability through UW-Madison’s Sustainable Systems Engineering Capstone Projects

The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s interactive online Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE) Master’s Degree program is built on the strengths of UW-Madison as a leader in engineering, energy and environmental sciences. One of the components of this program is the SSE capstone course, which serves as the culmination of students’ master’s degree work.

The course is designed to integrate the knowledge and tools acquired in the program and bring them to bear upon a problem. Students select a problem, creatively develop a solution, and evaluate the feasibility of the solution. Program faculty are continually impressed with their students’ ability to apply what they learned in the classroom to a real problem.

The spring 2024 SSE capstone students demonstrated their expertise with a variety of impactful projects. The three projects below are great examples of how our students are advancing sustainability through their project work.

  • Madison Geothermal: The Largest Geothermal Project in the City of Madison
    • The City of Madison is on the verge of implementing the largest geothermal district heating and cooling system in Madison as a component of the renovation for the Triangle neighborhood. A neighborhood that has around 400 units to grow into about 1500 units all of which could be powered by this geothermal system. Students created an information website that was shared via community mailer. Visit the website here.
  • A Sustainable Desert Home
    • Students created a YouTube video of a sustainable desert home to showcase fundamentals of sustainable building design. Check out the video here.
  • EV Battery Sustainability White Paper: Life Cycle Assessment

These projects exemplify one of the core tenants of the UW – Madison interactive online engineering master’s degrees: the focus on industry experience in classroom work and instruction. We are proud of the work that our students accomplished this semester.

Visit our website for more information about the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s interactive online Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE) Master’s Degree program.