6 Soft Skills That Make a Good Engineer Great

As an engineer, you’re familiar with the long list of hard skills needed to succeed in your role. From perfecting the art of programming to understanding the fundamentals of industrial data analytics, the technical competencies …

What Resources Are Available to Online Badgers?

If you’re considering or have been recently admitted to one of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s prestigious online engineering graduate programs, you may be wondering if you can enjoy some of the same resources as on-campus …

Passing the Torch: MEMorable Shift in Leadership!

The MEM (Master of Engineering Management) Advisory Board plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Comprising dedicated individuals, the board offers valuable insights to enhance the MEM program, aligning it with the ever-evolving needs of both students and the engineering industry. To get acquainted with the members of the advisory board, you can explore their profiles.