Jessie McMasters

Credentials: ME

Position title: Collins Aerospace Chief Engineer; MEM Advisory Board Chair

Rockford, Illinois

Jessie McMasters headshot

Jessie is the Engineering Director for the Mechanical Power Conversion product line at Collins Aerospace where her team is responsible for the new development and field support of pumps, gearboxes, and air turbine starters for airframers and engine manufacturers.

Jessie has been in the aerospace industry since 2006 having started her career with Rolls-Royce as a whole engine system performance engineer. She joined Collins Aerospace in 2016 and through her career with Rolls-Royce and Collins she has sought out roles and projects which were intentionally complimentary to grow her technical depth and focus while also gaining breadth. As Jessie has moved into leadership and management roles, the balance of her depth and breadth has helped her to collaborate across projects, disciplines, and business units. Her time with MEM (Master of Engineering Management) has greatly shaped her leadership and had a direct impact on her career growth, through participation with the MEM Advisory Board, she hopes to contribute to the impact of future engineering leaders.

Outside of work Jessie enjoys bowling, camping, and fishing. She and her husband are the parents of four active young children.