Sarlioglu Receives Nagamori Award

MADISON, Wis.—Bulent Sarlioglu, UW-Madison associate professor, recipient of the Nagamori AwardCongratulations to Bulent Sarlioglu, UW-Madison associate professor, who has been named a recipient of the Nagamori Award. Sarlioglu is recognized by his “Pioneering research and development on high-efficiency and high-power density new and classical electric motors with wide bandgap device power electronic drives.” 

The award is given to outstanding researchers and development engineers studying motors, including generators and actuators. Sarlioglu will receive his award Sept. 2 in Kyoto, Japan.

Sarlioglu is an associate professor in the Departments of Engineering Professional Development and Electrical and Computer Engineering and an associate director of Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium.

The Nagamori Foundation was established to contribute to the scientific and industrial development inside and outside Japan by commending those who engage in R&D activities, domestic and overseas, in the area of research and technology. The Foundation’s main activity is to promote researches related to motors, actuators, and power generators, address a major challenge of “creating affluent lives” and “perpetually conserve the global environment,” and operate the Nagamori Awards, a system to commend those who have made an innovative technological development.