New White Paper Details Benefits of Performance-Based Landfill Liner Design

Cover of the white paper on Performance-Based Landfill Liner DesignMADISON, Wis.—Composite liner systems in landfills effectively limit groundwater contamination from leachate that contains compounds such as heavy metals and volatile organic compounds.

Drawing on a 50-year history of evolving and improving performance in liner systems—including new materials, advancing science, and improved construction quality assurance—James Tinjum, PE, PhD, F.ASCE, in association with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Engineering, provides this white paper to:

  • Develop and convey the contributing functions of a composite liner system.
  • Identify key factors that affect leakage of contaminants through a liner system.
  • Properly consider performance-based design in lieu of specification-based designs.
  • Showcase ongoing landfill research at the UW-Madison Environmental Geotechnics Group.
  • Download the full white paper here:
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