Group of construction workers reviewing plans

Commissioning Courses and Certifications

Commissioning Courses and Certifications

Who benefits from learning Commissioning and earning certification?


Do you plan and design buildings for owners who are using the commissioning process on their facilities?

Are you working with commissioning providers who ask you to provide commissioning deliverables like the following?

  • Development of the Basis of Design narrative
  • Responses to design review comments, or
  • Integration of verbiage for the commissioning requirements into your specifications


Do you bid, install and startup assemblies or systems in buildings for owners who are using the commissioning process on their facilities?

Are you working with commissioning providers who ask you to provide commissioning deliverables like the following?

  • Completed construction checklists
  • Execution of functional performance test procedures under their direction, or
  • Responses to their commissioning issues log

Owners & Facility Managers

Do you own, operate, and maintain buildings and have used or desire to use the commissioning process on your facilities?

Are you procuring third-party commissioning services or perform commissioning tasks in-house, which may include the following?

  • Development of the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR)
  • Integrating requirements into the project’s specifications
  • Documenting and tracking issues toward resolution

If you answered “Yes” to the above questions, you may benefit from a deeper knowledge of the ASHRAE Guideline 0 Commissioning Process (CxP). This provides a cost-effective and successful quality method for buildings and constructed projects.

Created for building owners, facility managers, commissioning authorities, and all members of the design and construction team, these courses present multiple opportunities to learn the fundamentals of this effective process for whole building design, green buildings, and rehab or additions. Gain tools and techniques to incorporate full-quality project management from pre-design through the life of the facility.

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